We support these missionaries. Tucker Christian is a tithing church. We teach the basics of tithing to our members, and we feel that if we expect it of our members, then the congregation should tithe too. In the past several years, we gave more than 10% of our offerings to these missionaries throughout the world.
Missions We Support
Bethshean Mexico Mission:
Christian City:
Emory University CCF:
Jesus’ Place:
Mid-India Christian Mission:
Fish House:
Teaching Ministries International:
Woodland Christian Camp:
Other Missionary Friends
Hippo Valley Christian Mission:
Central Japan Christian Mission:
Philip Linkous:
Stephanie Tillman:

International Disaster Emergency Service:
Missions Sundays
January 29
April 30
July 30
October 29
December 31
All offerings collected on these Sundays goes to support our missions
Others for Missions
Internation Conference On Missions:
North Americian Christian Convention:
The Christian Restoration Association:
Team Expansion: