Core Beliefs
We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the virgin-born Son of the Living God. We believe that Jesus died on a cross,.. was buried ... rose from the dead on the third day... ascended to the right hand of the Father where He reigns and rules ... and that one day He will come again to earth for His bride, the Church.
We endeavor to preach the good news of Christ to our community and throughout the world, with the goal of saving people through faith in Jesus and obedience to His gospel.
We challenge our members, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, to adopt a Christ like lifestyle and to continue Christ's work in the world through service to others.
We continue the New Testament practices of baptizing believers, for the remission of their sins, by immersion and the weekly observance of the Lord's Supper.
We regard our people not as the only Christians - but as Christians only. We seek unity with all believers in Christ in matters of faith clearly revealed in the Bible and we contend for freedom in matters of opinion where the Bible does not speak.
We extend love to all people because Jesus says love is the central trait of the Christian life. We seek to practice the "Great Commandments" which Jesus says are, "to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength... and to love our neighbor as ourselves" - and the "Great Commission" which is evangelism or reaching and teaching lost souls for Christ.
We invite into our fellowship all who will commit themselves to Christ as the Savior and Lord of their lives, and who have expressed this decision by confessing their faith in Christ and by being baptized by immersion, for the remission of their sins, into Christ." Although we are an independent, non-denominational congregation, we do work cooperatively with many others in the support of Christian agencies, Bible Colleges, missionaries, and the like. We welcome everyone who would seek to know the will of God in all areas of their lives.